
Ambushed definition
Ambushed definition

A far ambush is a point ambush with the assault element beyond reasonable assaulting distance of the kill zone (beyond 50 meters). It also may be appropriate in open terrain in a "rise from the ground" ambush.Ħ-112. Close terrain, such as an urban area or heavy woods, may require this positioning. A near ambush is a point ambush with the assault element within reasonable assaulting distance of the kill zone (less than 50 meters). Large enough to observe and engage the anticipated enemy force.Ħ-111.An ideal kill zone has these characteristics─ The kill zone is the part of an ambush site where fire is concentrated to isolate or destroy the enemy. Makes it difficult for the enemy to conduct a flank attack.Ħ-110.Has a covered and concealed withdrawal route.Has a good field of fire into the kill zone.The ambush site consists of a support by fire position for the support element and an assault position for the assault element. The ambush site is the terrain on which a point ambush is established. Following are characteristics of these four ideal positions.Ħ-109. Instead, unlikely sites should be chosen when possible. Therefore, surprise is difficult to achieve. As far as possible, so-called "ideal" ambush sites should be avoided because alert enemies avoid them if possible and increase their vigilance and security when they must be entered. TERMINOLOGYĦ-108 During terrain analysis, leaders identify at least four different locations: the ambush site, the kill zone, security positions, and rally points. Detailed information includes: type and size of target, organization or formation, routes and direction of movement, time the force will reach or pass certain points on its route, and weapons and equipment carried. With a deliberate ambush, leaders plan and prepare based on detailed information allowing them to anticipate enemy actions and enemy locations. A deliberate ambush is conducted against a specific target at a location chosen based on intelligence. Depending on the mission, the patrol may allow the enemy to pass if the enemy does not detect the patrol.Ħ-107. The leader gives the prearranged signal to start the action and all Soldiers move to concealed firing positions, prepared to engage the enemy. It is used when a patrol sees the enemy before the enemy sees it, and the patrol has time to act. A hasty ambush is conducted based on an unanticipated opportunity. Based on the amount of time available to set an ambush, ambushes are hasty and deliberate. Antiarmor ambushes focus on moving or temporarily halted enemy armored vehicles.Ħ-106. (See figure 6-6.) A unit smaller than a platoon normally does not conduct an area ambush. These ambushes at separate sites are related by their purpose. In an area ambush, Soldiers deploy as two or more related point ambushes. In a point ambush, Soldiers deploy to attack a single kill zone. The three forms of ambushes are point, area, and antiarmor. A destruction ambush includes assault to close with and destroy the enemy.Ħ-105. A harassing ambush is one in which attack is by fire only (meaning there is no assault element). The purpose of an ambush is either harassment or destruction. To assist the leader clarify what he wants, he develops the ambush based on its purpose, form, time, and formation.Ħ-104. There are countless ways for leaders to develop an ambush. Ambushes may be conducted as independent operations or as part of a larger operation.Ħ-103. The attack may include an assault to close with and destroy the enemy or may just be a harassing assault by fire. Ambushes employ direct fire systems as well as other destructive means, such as command-detonated mines and explosives, and indirect fires on the enemy force. Ambushes range from simple to complex and synchronized short duration of minutes to long duration of hours and within hand grenade range, to maximum standoff. Terrain is held only long enough to conduct the ambush, and then the force withdraws. The ambush combines the advantages of the defense with the advantages of the offense, allowing a smaller force with limited means the ability to destroy a much larger force.

ambushed definition

The purpose of an ambush is to destroy or to harass enemy forces. It can include an assault to close with and destroy the target or an assault by fire. An ambush is a surprise attack from a concealed position on a moving or temporarily halted target.

Ambushed definition